what there is |
Theory of Microsoft |
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If I ever have another theory |
??? |
Theory number 1.
This theory is on the Microsoft Vs. Sun issue. To say the least I think Microsoft is
worried about what lies in the mist. If Sun's Java script is truly capable of being a True
OS that is truly total multi platform, which if you don't know, Windows is a total multi
platform OS (PC-windows Mac-Softwindows UNIX-Xwindows PDA-windowsCE ). In that light Java
poises a real threat to Microsoft because is can be smaller that windowsCE and it can have
what I like to call an open end code which means that later the user can augment the OS
and totally upgrade with out all the hassle of the current methods. Also being smaller and
so versatile Java can be put even in something as small as a watch which scares the doo
doo squat out of ol' Micro. Just think if there is a OS that could be owned by other that
Microsoft, Yeah that would be nice.
Theory 2
Microsoft vs. FCC board
I can't say just how stupid this case is, and I mean I can't tell you much about this but
if you think about it why arn't there anyone protesting the use of notepad.exe in the
windows programs? That because the acill text reader is almost essential in the use of the
computer with out one a person could do very little about plain text editing. The same is
for explore. In the coming years the use of the net and other devices will become first
nature and will need at least default reader. Such as explore. The operation is like any
other browser and can't always be called the best there is. It just simply a necessarily
use in default use of components of the future. There is one way of killing the virtual
giant know as Microsoft, and that is to do what the do, If you can beat buy is and if
you cant by copy is and make it better. You know that is just what IBM has dome to make the
PC such a good buy Hmmmmmm.
Theory 3?
Microsoft vs. FCC board
Hey if you don't agree of if you think that I missed something of if just want to contact
me well here's where to go